Released · Drama, Fantasy, Romance
In the land of Oz, ostracized and misunderstood green-skinned Elphaba is forced to share a room with the popular aristocrat Glinda at Shiz University, and the two's unlikely friendship is tested as they begin to fulfill their respective destinies as Glinda the Good and the Wicked Witch of the West.
- Direction
- Jon M. Chu Director
- Writing
- Winnie Holzman Screenplay
- Dana Fox Screenplay
- Gregory Maguire Novel
- L. Frank Baum Novel
- Winnie Holzman Musical
- Stephen Schwartz Musical
- Wide release
- November 20, 2024 (3 weeks ago)
- Origin
- United States of America
- Runtime
- 2h 40m
- Max position
- 1 · Yesterday
- Appearances
- 45 days in the Top 50
- Links
- Apple TV
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